Popie in Response

Stranded in Aceh

Archive for December, 2008

Jeruk Biru dari Langit

ternyata buah jeruk biru dari langit tidak tahan lama

ternyata dia sekarang sudah membusuk

tidak biru lagi

tidak wangi lagi

tidak enak lagi

hah, buang saja!

  • Filed under: My Journey
  • Colored?

    This poem was nominated poem of 2005 for the best poem, written by an African kid

    When I born, I Black,
    When I grow up, I Black,
    When I go in Sun, I Black,
    When I scared, I Black,
    When I sick, I Black,
    And when I die, I still black..
    And you White fella,
    When you born, you Pink,
    When you grow up, you White,
    When you go in Sun, you Red,
    When you cold, you Blue,
    When you scared, you Yellow,
    When you sick, you Green,
    And when you die, you Gray..
    And you calling me Colored ??

    Am I Sober?

    I never drunk

    I didn’t smoke

    I think no grass

    I touch no drugs

    I never sniff cocaine

    But I cannot say I am a sober because of you

  • Filed under: Wise Words
  • Diah

    She is one of my “click” from D3 FKUI. She has quite different taste with others common girls. I always says “when we think it is ‘noraks’ she say its vintage”. But I like her taste anyway.
    She was never want to be a civil servant until she was graduated and be a civil servant. Hahaha……. my friend is a civil servant!

    Diah salah seorang teman dekatku di D3 FKUI. Dia punya selera yang berbeda dengan perempuan pada umumnya. Aku selalu bilang “Menurut lu noraks, menurut dia vintage”. Tapi aku suka dengan seleranya, UNIK.
    Diah tidak pernah berpikir untuk menjadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) sampai dia lulus dan harus jadi PNS. Hahahaha…. temanku seorang PNS. Selamat!

    when romeo said

    romeo said I’ll jump when u jump
    so that
    I laugh when u laugh
    I cry when u cry
    I am happy when u’r happy
    I am sad when u’r sad
    and …
    I am faint when u say I LOVE U


  • 1 Comment
  • Filed under: Wise Words
  • Cargo GA

    I was working in a Cargo Department for one of Indonesian Airlines. After working for about 3 months I decided to resign from this job. I think I just got a dehumanized job even the atmosphere really comfortable. I never know I was right or wrong about that feeling but at least I already quit from that kind of job.

    The good thing is I got some new friends from this office.

    ” alt=”friends from cargo” />

    They made a farewell party for me. They gave a ring as the farewell gift for me. That’s very nice friends. Thank you!

    Kat’s Wedding

    It is a little bit late to write this article. But I still like to share about this wedding.
    After a long journey of her life looking for the right guy, she decided to get married with him on 26 July 2008. To prepared her wedding she asked some friends to help as the wedding committee. They are Tati, Prima, Dyah, Me, Bedot, Dandy, and some one (I forgot his name). We were standing around the new couple for the ceremony.

    And while waiting for the driver to pick us up, we were never forget to take the picture. See, all the ladies lining up and hope could follow her step of live soon.

    Sebenarnya agak terlambat untuk memasukkan artikel ini. Tapi aku tetap mau berbagi mengenai pernikahan temanku Katerin.
    Setelah perjalanan panjang dalam hidupnya selama 27 tahun, dia akhirnya memutuskan untuk menikahi Ardiansyah Lase sebagai teman hidupnya pada tanggal 26 Juli 2008. Untuk mempersiapkan hari istimewa ini Katerin meminta teman-teman untuk membantunya sebagai panitia. Semua panitia berfoto bersama Tati, Prima, Dyah, Aku, Bedot, Dandy, dan satu teman kat yang aku lupa namanya.
    Setelah acara selesai, kami tidak lupa untuk berfoto. Lihat foto kami berbaris di belakang pengantin wanita sambil berharap kami bisa secepatnya menyusul Katerin menapaki satu lagi langkah dalam hidup ini.

    I just got reunion party with my friends from Junior High School. I saw some friends from my “click”. Some people already get their baby, some others still love being lonely. Some people becoming bigger, and some other becoming very tinier. One thing that never change. We love laughing and laughing and laughing. Huahahaha….. I LOVE U GIRLS!

    Reunion of Samar II

    Aku baru saja ikut pesta reuni SMP ku (Santo Markus II). Aku bertemu teman-teman dekatku. Beberapa sudah mempunyai anak, sementara beberapa masih senang menjommblo. Beberapa menjadi sangat gendut, dan beberapa menjadi sangat kurus. Tetapi satu hal yang tidak pernah berubah. Kami selalu tertawa, tertawa dan tertawa. Huahahaha …. Aku sangat senang sekali!