ChatGPT in Everyday Life: A Practical Guide for the Curious

Last Tuesday, I found myself explaining to my mom that there are other ways to find information besides Google and TikTok. She adamantly insists on always using Google if I have a question, even though I ask her because of her experience. She has been working in the hospital for almost 30 years, so she knows her way around medicine and the bureaucracy in the hospital. I realize that as an elderly person, my mom is just getting to know Google and TikTok (after years of using YouTube as her primary search engine).

So I began to introduce her to ChatGPT, highlighting its strength in conversational discussions while also reminding her of the necessity to double-check facts. Through this writing, I want to share my experiences with ChatGPT, focusing on the basic day-to-day use of AI. I’ve realized how this tool has quietly become a part of my daily routine. It’s not about revolutionizing anything – it’s just another useful tool in our digital toolbox. Consider this a friendly reminder. So, I thought I’d share some practical ways I’ve been using ChatGPT, in case you’re curious about giving it a try. This is not prompt guide like I wrote before, but more of a list of use case I found in my day-to-day activity

A Helping Hand in the Kitchen

Remember those times when you’re staring at your fridge, wondering what to cook? That’s where I’ve found ChatGPT/Claude surprisingly helpful. Just the other day, I listed the ingredients I had on hand, and it suggested a few recipe ideas I hadn’t thought of. It’s like having a creative cooking buddy who never runs out of ideas.

1. When I had leftover tempe, some spinach, and coconut milk, ChatGPT suggested a fusion recipe for “Tempe Spinach Curry” that turned out delicious.
2. Another time, with just some rice, eggs, and sambal, it proposed a twist on nasi goreng by adding crispy fried shallots and a fried egg on top, elevating a simple meal.

Language Learning Made Conversational

As someone trying to learn Japanese and German, I’ve been using ChatGPT for quick language practice. It’s not perfect, but it’s great for casual conversation practice or getting explanations about grammar rules without diving into textbooks.

1. I’ve used ChatGPT to practice translating Indonesian idioms like “Ada udang di balik batu” into English and discussing their meanings.
2. When learning about Indonesian sentence structures, I asked ChatGPT to explain the difference between active and passive voice in Bahasa Indonesia, using examples with “di-” and “me-” prefixes.

DIY Project Assistant

Last month, when I was trying to fix a leaky faucet, I used ChatGPT to break down the process into simple steps. I asked seemingly silly questions about all the items needed (in Indonesian), and it helped me understand what tools I needed and even suggested some troubleshooting tips. It felt like having a patient friend guiding me through the process.

Another Examples:
1. When fixing my rusty old Vespa, I asked ChatGPT about local alternatives for hard-to-find parts, and it suggested checking with “bengkel custom” in my area.
2. For a batik-making project, ChatGPT helped me understand the different types of canting tools and their uses in the traditional wax-resist dyeing process.

Writing Help for Various Occasions

From drafting emails to brainstorming ideas for my son’s school project, ChatGPT has been a useful sounding board. It doesn’t write things for me, but it helps get the creative juices flowing when I’m stuck. Do remember that AI-generated content tends to hallucinate in long context summaries, so it’s important to review twice.

1. When writing a formal letter in Bahasa Indonesia, ChatGPT helped me with the proper salutations and closing remarks for different levels of formality.
2. For my son’s project on Indonesian folklore, ChatGPT suggested creative ways to present the story of Malin Kundang using a mix of traditional and modern storytelling techniques.

Travel Planning Made Easier

Planning my recent weekend getaway, I used ChatGPT to get ideas for local attractions and tips for budget travel. It helped me create a rough itinerary, which I then refined based on my preferences.

1. For a trip to Yogyakarta, ChatGPT suggested a balanced itinerary including visits to Borobudur, Prambanan, and lesser-known spots like Pindul Cave for river tubing.
2. When planning a budget trip to Bali, it recommended staying in Ubud and provided tips on finding affordable warungs and participating in a local cooking class.

Fitness and Workout Ideas

On days when my usual workout feels boring, I ask ChatGPT for some new exercise ideas or quick workout routines. It’s not a replacement for a trainer, but it adds some variety to my fitness routine.

Homework/Studying Helper for My Son

When my son asks for help with his homework or topic studies, ChatGPT has been great for breaking down complex topics into simpler terms. It’s especially useful for subjects I’m a bit rusty on.

1. For a project on Indonesia’s biodiversity, ChatGPT helped explain the concept of “Wallace Line” and its significance in the ecology.
2. When studying Indonesian history, it provided a simplified timeline of events from the Dutch colonial period to Indonesia’s independence, making it easier for my son to understand.

As a Temporary Therapist

Sometimes, as an introvert, I try to conform in work social groups. The range of norms is wide, from those who are very open-minded to those who are ultra-conservative. ChatGPT can offer a neutral perspective on social situations and help me navigate these complex interactions.

– When dealing with the hierarchical nature of some Indonesian offices, it provided advice on respectfully communicating with superiors while still expressing my ideas.

A Word of Caution

While ChatGPT is handy, it’s important to remember it’s not all-knowing. I always double-check important information, especially for health or financial matters. It’s a helper, not a replacement for expert advice or our own judgment.

Wrapping Up

ChatGPT isn’t about replacing Google or changing the world overnight. It’s just another tool that can make some daily tasks a bit easier or more interesting. It is something that we should give it a try. You might find it useful in ways you didn’t expect, just like I did when I started using it for more than just tech stuff.



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